Here are some local businesses that Sister Act Cleaning, Inc. relies on and trust. We confidently recommend their products and services.
Denison Vacuum & Janitorial Supply - Theresa and her family have restaurant supplies, cleaning supplies, and tanning beds. She's located on Morton just off of Hwy 75. She can order just about anything and has a can do style that we really appreciate.
Reinert Paper and Chemical - They have restaurant supplies and cleaning supplies.
Angela's Carry-out and Catering - Angie has great lunches. And her casseroles heat up and make great and fast dinners. Just add a salad and some bread (she has that too!). Don't forget the dessert. Her portions available serve one, four, or more.
Circle S Catering - Beth Schnitker caters a great party.
Nancy's Fancies - Nancy Ridgeway of Pottsboro, Tx does some great desserts.
A1 Wedding & Party Rentals - Whatever equipment you can imagine or need for an event, look here first. Jennifer is a talented floral arranger too.
Tanglewood Resort